
How to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016
How to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016

how to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016

This macro is present in Word 2003 and above, but the steps below use Word 2016 as the example.ģ. To see all of the keyboard shortcuts available in Word, we'll use a built-in macro. Generate a list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in Word with this neat trick. Insert the ANSI character for the specified ANSI (decimal)character code.Keyboard shortcuts are the easiest way to work faster on your computer, and Microsoft Word packs a ton of them-nearly 250, in fact.


  • Find out the Unicode character code for the selected character ► Alt+X.
  • For example, to insert the euro currency symbol (€), enter 20AC, and then hold down Alt and press X ►The character code,
  • Insert the Unicode character for the specified Unicode(hexadecimal) character code.
  • Insert characters by using character codes
  • An Auto Text entry Enter (after the Screen Tip appears).
  • The registered trademark symbol ► Alt+ Ctrl+R.
  • A nonbreaking space ► Ctrl+Shift+Space bar.
  • A nonbreaking hyphen ► Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen.
  • Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document ► Alt+Shift+R.
  • When a building block-for example, a Smart Art graphic-is selected, display the shortcut menu that is associated with it ► Shift+F10.
  • When text or an object is selected, open then Create New ► Building Block dialog box ► Alt++F3.
  • Copy text or graphics once ► Shift+F2 (then move the cursor and press Enter).
  • Move text or graphics once ►F2 (then move the cursor and press Enter).
  • Paste the most recent addition or pasted item from the Clipboard.
  • Cut selected text or graphics to the Clipboard ► Ctrl+X.
  • Copy selected text or graphics to the Clipboard ► Ctrl+C.
  • how to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016

    Open the Clipboard ► Press Alt++H to move to the Home tab, and then press.Cut selected content to the Spike ► Ctrl+F3.Cut selected content to the Clipboard ► Ctrl+X.Delete one word to the right ► Ctrl+Delete.Delete one character to the right Delete.Delete one word to the left ► Ctrl+Backspace.Delete one character to the left ► Backspace.Go forward one page ► Alt++Right Arrow Refresh F9.Mark a table of authorities entry (citation) ► Alt+Shift+I.Mark a table of contents entry ► Alt+Shift+O.Work with references, footnotes, and end notes Close the Reviewing pane if it is open ► Alt+Shift+C.Turn change tracking on or off ► Ctrl+Shift+E.Move to the last preview page when zoomed out ► Ctrl+End.Move to the first preview page when zoomed out ► Ctrl+Home.Move by one preview page when zoomed out ► Page Up or Page Down.Move around the preview page when zoomed in ► Arrow keys.Display the Print page of the Backstage view ► Alt+ Ctrl+I.Go to the beginning of the document ► Home.Show all headings up to the Heading n style ► Alt+Shift+9.Show all headings with the Heading 1 style ► Alt+Shift+1.Show the first line of body text or all body text ► Alt+Shift+L.Hide or display character formatting The slash (/) key on the numeric keypad.Expand or collapse all text or headings ► Alt+Shift+A.Collapse text under a heading ► Alt+Shift+Minus sign.Expand text under a heading ► Alt+Shift+Plus sign.Move selected paragraphs down ► Alt+Shift+Down Arrow.Move selected paragraphs up ► Alt+Shift+Up Arrow.Demote a paragraph ► Alt+Shift+Right Arrow.Promote a paragraph ► Alt+Shift+Left Arrow.Switch to Print Layout view ► Alt+ Ctrl+P.Move to the next browse object (set in browse options) ► Ctrl+Page Down.Move to the previous browse object (set in browse options) ► Ctrl+Page Up.Open a list of browse options ► Alt+► Ctrl+Home.Switch between the last four places that you have edited ► Alt+► Ctrl+Z.Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table,comment, graphic,or other location ► Ctrl+G.Replace text, specific formatting, and special items ► Ctrl+H.Repeat a Find action (after closing the Find And Replace dialog box) ► Alt+Ctrl+Y.Open the Navigation pane (to search the document) ► Ctrl+F.Remove the document window ► split Alt+Shift+C or Alt+Ctrl+S.

    how to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016

    Open the Word Count dialog box ► Ctrl+Shift+G.Refine paste action (Paste Special) ► Ctrl+Alt+V.Cut the selected text or object ► Ctrl+X.Copy the selected text or object ► Ctrl+C.Remove paragraph or character formatting ► Ctrl+Spacebar.Decrease font size one value ► Ctrl+Shift+.Create a nonbreaking hyphen ► Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen.Create a nonbreaking space ► Ctrl+Shift+Space bar.

    How to set keyboard shortcuts in word 2016